It’s back to school season, and that applies to Irish dance as well! After the frenzy of nationals and summer camps it can be easy to end up with a messy and disorganized dance bag. There’s no shame in it, everyone has been there. Or maybe you’ve taken the Summer mostly off and you can barely remember what was in your bag at the … [Read more...]
How Do I Start Irish Dance?
So, you’re interested in getting into Irish dance, or Irish step dance as it’s sometimes called. Maybe you saw the Saint Patrick’s Day parades and it got you thinking about it, or a friend who is into dance mentioned it to you, or maybe you even stumbled over a video of Irish dancers online. Whatever your reason, getting into Irish … [Read more...]
How Good Habits Can Save You Money Packing For A Feis
Packing for a feis can be a pain, because Irish dance involves a lot of stuff. Literal, physical stuff that you have to carry with you. There are a ton of items involved in Irish dance, especially if you’re going to a feis and even more so if you’re going to a major event. Many of those items are small as well, such as rolls of tape, spare … [Read more...]
How Do I Save Money And Effort While Traveling For Irish Dance?
Feising is an important part of Irish dance, and travel is an important part of feising. When you’re just starting out, you will usually be able to just go to competitions in your local area, but as you get more experience and move up into higher categories most people want to attend more feiseanna. A lot of the time that means long-distance … [Read more...]
How Do I Handle Hotel Rooms and Meals While Feising?
So you’ve decided which feis you’re going to. That’s great! Or maybe you've decided that you want to feis but want to learn more before committing. That's a good move, and you might want to check out our recent article for some tips on how to save money on feis. But doing good work means getting more work to do, so now you (probably) … [Read more...]